Wed, 21 October 2015
What happens during preproduction on a film? Super Troopers 2 starts this week, so Kevin & Steve sit down with old friend and producer Rich Perello to talk funny Preproduction stories. Hear about finding locations in Mexico, crying on the ST set, the casting couch (or bed), Lemme's prima donna needs, the Johnny Chimpo tatt, preshoot dieting, buying dildos for Beerfest AND MORE!! Enjoy the Chew.
Direct download: CI132_Super_Troopers_2_Preproduction_w__Producer_Rich_Perello.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST |
Wed, 14 October 2015
You asked for it, we deliver. In honor of the Halloween Season, Kevin & Steve run down their list of All Time Scariest Movies. In addition to their favorites, they talk Halloween fun, "Jive Ass" Horror flicks, actually soiling one's pants from fear, Head in Hole costumes, Scary NON horror movies, slasher movie boobs, Fantasia vs. Phantasm, who put the pins in the Hell Raiser guy's face AND MORE. Enjoy the Chew!!!
Direct download: CI131_Movies_That_Scared_the_Shit_Out_of_Us.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST |
Wed, 7 October 2015
Troy Van Leeuwen (Queens of the Stone Age, Failure, A Perfect Circle, Sweethead) joins Kevin & Steve. They talk guitars, trashing hotel rooms, QOTSA, the new Failure tour, meeting Lemme, playing in multiple bands, Angus Young, wearing crushed velvet suits, record labels and of course... STDs. Enjoy the Chew!!
Direct download: CI130_Troy_Van_Leeuwen_Queens_of_the_Stone_Age.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:17am PST |