Chewin' It with Kevin and Steve

Back by popular demand, Kevin & Steve run down 10 more things that they hate. They cover scallion cakes (or whatever the fuck they are), droughts, bathroom attendants, blocking the box, street justice, rabbits, sarcastic bitches, 20/20 vision, crunch wrap supremes, the Doctor Shocker and MORE. Enjoy the Chew!

Direct download: CI170_10_More_Things_I_Hate.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

It's been a while since Kevin & Steve answered the Chew Crew's questions, so they fire through a ton of them. They cover the diet police, Finding Dory, fucking sheep, Morgan Fairchild, who is Soapy, what is a sandwich, who can beat up Finkelstein, Beerfest vs. Super Troopers rumble, East coast vs. West coast, Broken Lizard super powers, Scariest moments,  Landfill's death, Chloris Leachman, Putman kissing Mick Jagger, best comedy venues, Stone Cold audio commentary and MORE! ENJOY THE CHEW!

Direct download: CI169_Answering_More_Chew_Crew_Questions.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Kevin & Steve are not talking about the app, they're having a chat about good old fashioned "snapping"... aka getting pissed off.  They share stories of snapping in public, viral snaps, milkshake snaps, Tarzan's abs, snapping for the benefit of a fan, a De Niro snap, a Costco snap, road rage snaps, HANGRY snaps, Disneyland snaps, lobster roll snap, shark week snap,  audition snaps, phone snap vs. in person snap and then of course about how we can all get along.  ENJOY THE CHEW!

Direct download: CI168_Snap_Chat.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:22am PST

Comedy Writing Legend Spike Feresten (Seinfeld, Letterman, SNL, Talk Show w/ Spike Feresten, Car Matchmaker) joins Kevin & Steve to talk writing, creating the Seinfeld "Soup Nazi" episode, writing jokes for Dennis Miller, David Letterman & Dana Carvey, what it's like to host a late night talk show, rare cars, making your Dad laugh, multi cam vs. single cam sitcoms and MORE. ENJOY THE CHEW!

Direct download: CI167_Spike_Feresten.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST