Chewin' It with Kevin and Steve

Greetings from Chicago! Kevin & Steve are 2 weeks into the Super Troopers 2 promotional tour with Jay, Paul & Erik. So they check in from the road to share some stories. They cover being the Grand Marshals for NASCAR, first time screening nerves, meeting IndieGoGo backers & Chew Crew, IGG chugs, the Dope Magazine cover boys, screenings in L.A. S.F. Seattle Phoenix Austin Atlanta Chicago & Minn, "Who breaded the chicken?," Who bounced the first pitch this time?, The Fat Farva, the Arby's Truck, karaoke, THEN they're joined by SOTER & STOLHANSKE to recount being overrun at the Bauhaus Brewery AND MORE!  ENJOY THE CHEW!

Direct download: CI_248_The_Super_Troopers_2_Promo_Tour.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:05am PST

Time to Pay Up! Lemme lost the Oscar bet. Now he gets his foot pissed on. You've all been waiting for it. We'll put up a link to the video on our website! In addition to the foot spray Kevin & Steve catch the Crew up on the Super Troopers 2 promotion: Grand Marshals for NASCAR, the maple syrup chugging in Vancouver, dodgeball with the WWE & Lemme's feelings on Charlotte Flair, boozing on the road, Kevin's least favorite Lemme, finishing their pilot: Tacoma F.D. AND MORE! ENJOY THE CHEW!

Direct download: CI_247_Piss_on_the_Foot_2018_and_Super_Troopers_2_Promotion.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:50am PST

Clifton Collins Jr. (Super Troopers 2, Westworld, Ballers, Pacific Rim) joins Kevin & Steve again. They talk about Clifton being the most prolific actor in Hollywood, shooting Super Troopers 2, riding horses in Westworld, Prison Ramon, Clifton's grandfather: Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez, the tricks of the trade when auditioning and MORE! ENJOY THE CHEW! 

Direct download: CI_246_Clifton_Collins_Jr._Returns.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:05pm PST