Chewin' It with Kevin and Steve

Nick Thune, stand up, actor, writer, musician and all around renaissance man joins Kevin & Steve. They talk about Nick's new special "Folk Hero" on Netflix, bad stand up gigs, guitar comedy, & Thune's ample softball skills.   Enjoy the Chew!

Direct download: CI58_Nick_Thune.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

This week Kevin & Steve answer the mail! Your questions answered!  In doing so they talk Super Troopers 2, favorite beers, Rocky, memorable road trips and ZJs!!! Enjoy the chew!!

Direct download: CI57_Answering_Your_Questions.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:46pm PST

Philippe Brenninkmeyer (Super Troopers, Beerfest, Slammin' Salmon, Babymakers). He's been a swinging German, the Beerfest Ringmaster, an angry fish customer and more. What you may not know is that he's also a star on German TV. Our close friend Philippe joins us to chat about all of the above AND all things Europe.  Enjoy the chew!

Direct download: CI56_Philippe_Brenninkmeyer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST

Last week Lemme had a baby! (Or his wife did.)  So Kevin & Steve cover all things birth related. They talk about Lemme's week, giving birth, breastfeeding, the births of their other children and they even corral two VERY special guests, Kevin's parents: Jane & Mike, to tell the story of Kevin's birth.  Enjoy the chew!!!

Direct download: CI55_Birth.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:39am PST

Matt Berninger (Front man for the indie band The National) & Tom Berninger (Director/star of the new doc Mistake for Strangers) join Kevin & Steve for a two on two chew! They talk about making the new documentary Mistaken for Strangers, Matt's band The National,  their relationship as brothers, Rob Halford & what's up next for the Berningers.  Chew it!

Direct download: CI54_Matt_and_Tom_Berninger.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PST